Chemical peels are non-invasive cosmetic treatments that stimulate cell turnover and produce new growth in the skin. A chemical peel, or chemical exfoliation, effectively exfoliates the skin by dissolving the keratinocytes that hold cells together. A chemical peel can also remove dirt, bacteria, and dull skin cells, leaving your skin glowing and healthy.

Using chemical peels is a fantastic way to target skin imperfections, discoloration, acne scars, and more. Chemical Peels formulas are mild (superficial) to deep, based on the aesthetic goals you would like to achieve. With our medical-grade peels, our patients can achieve youthful, supple skin and feel more confident. Depending on the depth of the peel used in the treatment, recovery times vary for each patient. Chemical peels are commonly used on the face, neck, hands, and chest areas.

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Benefits of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can be used to achieve the following:

Contact MG Aesthetics in Vaughan, ON, today to schedule a consultation or an appointment and discover the amazing benefits of Chemical Peels.


What results should I expect after a Chemical Peel?

Depending on the chemical peel you receive, your results will vary.

How often can you get Chemical Peels?

The frequency of a chemical peel depends entirely on the type of peel you are having. A superficial peel can be repeated up to once a month. On the other hand, a deep peel requires additional healing time and should be performed every two or three years.

What should I do after a Chemical Peel?

After a chemical peel, it is highly recommended to cleanse, moisturize, and use sunscreen. During the early healing period, avoid exposure to the sun. Skin that is loose should not be peeled off. Let the skin exfoliate naturally.

How much recovery time will I have after a Chemical Peel?

Recovery time after a chemical peel varies according to its type. The skin may feel tight or sunburned after a chemical peel procedure. To enhance results and accelerate the healing process, it is important to maintain a proper skin care regimen.